The Sitka Music Festival, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Tax ID: 92-0075160
Ways to give:
Donate online using the button on this page.
Donate by phone: (907) 747-6774
Mail a check:
Sitka Music Festival
104 Jeff Davis Street
Sitka, AK 99835
Pick.Click.Give. (Donate a portion of your Alaska Permanent Fund dividend through the Pick.Click.Give. program)
Qualified Charitable Distributions from an IRA
Using your IRA distributions to benefit the Sitka Music Festival could also help you reduce your income taxes. Up to $100,000 may be distributed annually from your IRA directly to the Sitka Music Festival as a qualified charitable distribution that applies towards your required minimum distribution (RMD)—tax-free. In addition, for those itemizing charitable deductions, qualified charitable distributions from IRAs do not count against the maximum amount deductible. Consult your tax and investment advisors to determine how you can best take advantage of this tax-leveraged giving option. To make a distribution from your IRA, contact your IRA custodian and provide our organization’s information and tax ID number. It is helpful to let us know in advance as well, so please call or email us at (907) 747-6774 or
Planned Giving
Leveraging tax-advantaged gifts and planning for your legacy through your estate are powerful tools to make a sound investment in the Sitka Music Festival’s future.
There are several ways to do this.
Name the Sitka Music Festival as a beneficiary on your IRA, Life Insurance Policy, or Bank Account. To do this, you can contact your institution and provide our information and tax ID above.
Name the Sitka Music Festival as a beneficiary in your will or trust. There are various types of bequests you can make in your will or trust to support the Sitka Music Festival. There are also certain specialized types of trusts that can provide additional tax-advantaged giving opportunities.
Consult your estate planning and tax advisors to determine the best approach for you, and contact us with any questions you may have at (907) 747-6774 or
If you have included us in your planned giving, please let us know how we can honor your legacy by reaching out to Alexander Serio at or 907-747-6774.